Wednesday, February 20, 2008

This day has been beyond my wildest dreams. Maybe my new do is even too great (is that possible?) Many people complemented me and asked me about my hair.

My not sisterlocks, not nappylocks -- microlocks look is new to the streets of Pittsburgh. Even on a cold windy day people noticed my do. I didn't really look to get noticed on the street. I am middle aged and married but I am happy to have more people excited about natural hair. So many people stopped me to go out of their way to compliment my hair. What fun!

I sprayed a little water and put some perm rods in in for about an hour this morning. The curls are great. They have lasted all day.

I also have people asking me about how to get their locks done. My biggest challenge is what to call my locks . . .microlocks . . . cousinlocks. . . Funny how many people have to be told a couple of times that this is all my hair that grew out of my head.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

I have started a little styling and I like my locks better and better. I am struggling to keep my hands out of my hair and can't help looking a little extra in the mirror. Equally important I am celebrating my decision to have natural hair in any form. I was wearing my hair in two fat cornrows down the side before I got locked. It wasn't my favorite style but I loved the thickness and texture of my hair too much to go back to scalp burning relaxers.

I was in Natural Choice salon in Oakland I saw the prettiest little girl around 3 years old getting her hair done. She was getting a style of cute little Afro puffs. She was so charming and happy. I loved her smile. It was so open and healthy and self-loving. At the same age I was crying with the sizzle of a hot comb in my hair and a wack with the brush if I moved. I was worlds away. I celebrate Natural Choice and natural hair care and I want to say thank you for me and that pretty little girl. As much as I love my fancy locks I even more celebrate natural hair care and the movement away from hair care torture.

Monday, February 18, 2008

wow I can't believe it's all done. The locks look great. They are more than I would have ever dreamed. It is fun to be able to style my hair already. You can see in a few of the pictures that a couple of blocks have unraveled. I plan to be patient and let them start to really lock up, fill out and looked even more beautiful.

In part thanks to all of the wonderful pictures and advice I have gotten from so many wonderful women I feel confident that I am on my way.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

lock day part four

Hey here are a few more pictures of the process. When I was contemplating getting my hair done I wanted to see pictures of the process and I just couldn't find any. I'm sorry if this is too many pictures. My locticans don't have any secrets and are happy to have you all see the process. There joy and strength in their skill is really bread for the journey.

Lock day part three - how did I get here

I was just thinking about how I got here with my hair being worked on by two women all day. It is a strange place to be. I never thought I would get locks but I never thought I would have this huge head of natural hair either.

I kept my hair braided for more than five years. Finally my hair got so long that it was taking longer to get the braids with extensions out than it was taking to put them in. i was considering cutting my hair for braids and extensions so it seemed like a good time for a hair experiment.

I saw a woman with Sisterlocks(R) many years ago in Harrisburg PA. I started exploring how I could get that pretty microlock look here in Pittsburgh. I didn't really care about the brand but the brand made is easier for me to feel confident about the outcomes. I tried to find a certified consultant or trainee in Pittsburgh but the nearest that I could find were in Ohio, or Harrisburg Pa. Both of them are a four or so hour drive I just couldn't bring myself to that much of a carbon footprint. I wanted little locks but not that bad.

I tried every shop in town, most said palm roll only, I then called the Sisterlock (R) company and they confirmed that there were no consultants or trainees in Pittsburgh. I then ordered the Nappylocks (R) kit for about $100. The main thing that I learned is that my daughter and I were not women enough to put in all of those locks. Finally I went back to the first salon I tried and I found a lovely and soft-spoken sister with a line waiting for her to tighten locks. I told her what I wanted and she said "no problem". Is it ok if my friend helps too?

I just stepped out in faith and booked a day. I have wavered in the time between booking the day and now but I am happy that I have persisted.

Lock day part two

I am guessing that we are about 60% of the way. It is pretty exciting! I am very happy that I have taking control of the fate of my hair and stepped out to something new and natural. I am still loving my locticians! I feel guilty that one of them is pumping rather than nursing her baby so we can get this done. I offered to send my husband for her baby but she said no.

The lock are small and scaply but I can tell that they will fill in. I am looking good!

Lock day prequil

I guess I should have published this before the locks start-- sorry. Before the locks I kept my hair braided with extentions for about 5 years. Before that perms and other mess!

I had a 8" long head of natural hair. I just wanted to post some photos of what went into the locks just in case they look great when it is all over.


My Lock day

It has been a long journey to this point. Hot combs from the stove, hard to maintian blow out afros, relaxers and braids with extensions are all littered on the road behind me. Ahead of me is a new adventure -- my own tiny dreadlocks.

Two wonderful lockticians are working on creating a head full of lovely locks. About 20% are done.

I wanted to post some pictures that would show the process. There are a few before pictures